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Challenges of Continuous Integration in Databases
Continuous Integration (CI) enables developers to frequently merge code changes into a shared database repository, making it easier to catch errors early and reduce integration problems down the line. Automating database schema migrations and testing as part of the CI process allows teams to achieve...
Azure Data Factory (ADF) - cloud based SSIS cousin
Ever found yourself wrestling with the complexness of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)? The meticulous organization of packages, manual column mapping and the relentless pursuit of debugging errors – data integration in SSIS can be, well, a bit of a marathon. But hold on! Enter Azure Data Fact...
Data Vault metodologijos nauda
Tvarkingas ir teisingas duomenų kaupimas, jų saugojimas šiandien yra vienas iš svarbiausių prioritetų kiekvienoje įmonėje. Būtent į šį pasaulį puikiai įsilieja itin sparčiai populiarėjanti „Data Vault“ duomenų saugojimo bei apdorojimo metodologija.
Azets took the data and computation resources seamlessly to the cloud with AWS
Moving Azets Cozone collaboration platform to the cloud doesn't have to be as difficult as one might think. Even in an industry that is subject to strict regulations, with the right solutions the journey can be simple.
Talk with your private PDFs and other files: a busy programmer’s tutorial on using LangChain and GPT
According to Hal Varian, the ability to take data—to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to communicate it—that's going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades. So here's how you code it in 20 lines of Python.
How to use ChatGPT with your own (proprietary) data
ChatGPT is a revolutionary tool, especially the version 4. In this blogpost, I’ll share technical details about how to have an intelligent natural-language conversation with your proprietary information (and by that I mean a very large amount of non-public data, something that far exceeds the limits...
4 knygos, kurias verta perskaityti kiekvienam programuotojui
Kompetencija ir jos kėlimas yra neatsiejama twoday kultūros dalis. Nuolat raginame kolegas tobulėti siekiant naujų žinių, o mes pasirūpiname, kad būtų aplankytos geriausios konferencijos bei mokymai. Ofise turime sukaupę nemažą biblioteką, kurią atnaujiname ir papildome naujomis knygomis.
A.I. and Mathematical Optimization: A striking Synergy
Artificial intelligence sounds sexy and we love the “Optimal” part of “Mathematical Optimization”. However, as we get down to earth and dig a little deeper we find assumptions and challenges making it hard to apply either technology in the real world. What if we put the two together, would we double...
Kaip suprogramuoti ChatGPT plug-in’ą IntelliJ editor’iui
Vėlus vasario vakaras. Laukdami lėktuvo namo, netikėtai užsilaikėme Oslo oro uoste. Šiek tiek atsigaivinome Guinness alumi ir kaip visada pradėjome debatus programavimo temomis. Pokalbis išsirutuliojo į tai, kad ChatGPT yra nuostabus pagalbininkas programuojant, bet įrankiai, deja, vis dar nėra pato...
A.I. and Mathematical Optimization: What's the difference?
The term Mathematical Optimization (MO) isn’t sexy or sci-fi at all, and unlike the term “AI” is more likely to give you nightmares about highschool algebra rather than dreams about sentient robots. However, we do like the sound of making things “optimal”, so let’s dig a little deeper.